Singapore-based curriculum is a customized curriculum that is well–researched and designed by leading educationists from Singapore with over two decades of experience. This curriculum has been fine-tuned over the years to be age appropriate so that it provides just the right impetus for the development of your child in their growing years.In order for our children to thrive in a fast-changing world and be ready to take on the challenges of the future, they should be equipped with the necessary competences for learning and living in the 21st century. And thus, the curriculum is designed for the children to achieve:- Having "a desire to learn, explore and be prepared to think out of the box"- The ability to "think critically, assess options and make sound decisions"- The ability to "work with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, with different ideas and perspectives".Every education aims for success in our children, and thus learning goals are set when the curriculum is fulfilled. Please see below the summary of learning goals.Table 1: Summary of Learning GoalsBy the end of Preparatory Level, children should be able to;